Music techniques : coming soon articles
I really wish to write in a few months about the main subjects concerning music learning: theory, music harmony, improvisation, composition, harmonic analysis and excerpts melody, ear training, orchestration or songs arrangement. I hope to have enough time.
- Other articles about piano and improvisation techniques
- The left hand of the pianist
- Melody harmonization with right hand (Piano technique)
- Improvisation with perfect fourth techniques
- Improvising by triads
- Intervals
- Analysis of solos
- Lydian chromatic concept
- Modal jazz
- Main chordal progressions (Chord changes)
- Main used forms
- Improvisation tips
Other coming soon music techniques articles
In order to improvise properly, a musician must be complete. He has to get to know the right abilities in every field of music. Practicing with a own instrument is not sufficient. He must have a very developed and trained ear music-history culture, profound theoretical harmony knowledge.
- Inside, outsid
- “Free” improvisation
- What you have to avoid
- Improvisation goals
About other music techniques:
- Composing
- Ear training
- Arranging
- Music analysis
Learn to improvise online
I write all this because I like to teach, to help people in my own small way and I also like, by egotism, to show what I have so much to learn too. My dream was to have a perfect pitch that is learning to recognize notes and chords just by ear. I have been working many years to this aim and I obtained a 1000% ear improvement but, unfortunately, I was not able to have a perfect pitch a I regret a little. I have published other sites about music harmony and jazz piano too.